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2024 Annual Meeting and Physician Suicide Awareness Event

May 15-16, 2024

Upcoming Walks

(Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)

The NCMS Alliance Kicks Off. . . . . . Let s Walk Together

  • Let's walk and connect with each other making friends along the way.  If the location allows, bring your family along.
  • We will be walking in parks and at museums, as well as forming teams for organized charity walks.
  • Upcoming walks will be posted on this website.
  • If you would like to walk together in the
    • Triangle area: Our team name is NCMSA - WCMSA - W5
    • Greensboro area: Our team name is NCMSA - GGMSA

NCMSA was well-represented at the NCMS LEAD Conference with a raffle for several gift baskets.

2024-25 Membership Renewal Time

"We Are Better Together!"

Click here to renew


NCMS Alliance Centennial Celebration and 100th Annual Meeting

April 27-28, 2023

Greensboro, NC

If you weren't able to attend, please enjoy the pictures below.

Click here to see the full proclamation 

for our Centennial Celebration

Medical News on Multicolor Puzzle. Medical News on Multicolor Puzzle on White Background royalty free illustration

   In the News.....

        NCMS Political Pulse

The North Carolina 2023 budget was finally given to Governor Roy Cooper.  The journey to his desk and the millions of dollars important to North Carolina Medical Society members is the subject of this week’s Political Pulse. 

Congratulations to the NC Academy of Family Physicians!

NCMSA Commits $50,000 to Charitable Clinics across the State

The board of directors approved to support the North Carolina Association of Free and Charitable Clinics (NCAFCC) for the calendar year 2022 with a donation of $50,000 to purchase point of care HbA1C machines used in the diagnosis and screening of diabetes and prediabetes as well as to monitor blood sugar levels. These funds also purchased supplies needed to run these tests. With this commitment, the NCMSA reached patients in all parts of the state who struggle with access to health care. Click here to see a map of the clinics supported by our donation.

Click here to link to an interactive map on the NCAFCC website to find the clinics closes to you where you can volunteer as an individual or as a group.

We also encourage you to donate to the Health Education Opportunity Fund on our website to help us support efforts to improve the health of North Carolinians.

Click here to read the full article in the Fall Tarheel Tandem.

A message from Our 2023-24 President...

Dear Past, Present, and Prospective Members,

I am honored to be serving as the NCMSA Alliance President for 2023-24. Our board and members all hope to continue being a force for good as we celebrate the journey of our past 100 years and look to the future.

You can take a visual journey through the long-term impact of the Alliance by clicking the NCMS Alliance webpage covering past centuries by decades and see how far we have come! With the support of our County Medical Societies and the County Alliances, the Alliance brings unique understanding and perspective to the challenges faced by today’s physician families.

Our goal is to be a leader in health education and non-profit support. Due to the pandemic, we’ve all rediscovered the significance of health awareness and togetherness. Our state network helps provide the backbone.

Join our Zoom meetings as we focus on member engagement by emphasizing our connection and mission. I can say with grateful appreciation that “It’s all about Making a Difference” and leaving the world in a better place.

Our board is of service to you. If you have an interest in serving at the State level, please contact me. Our committees welcome dedicated individuals. Involvement does not have deadlines nor require serving as a Board Member. Please contact me with inquiries and or ideas.

With sincerity,

Meeti Nigam

2023-24 NCMS Alliance President

The NCMSA Board thanks you for keeping our organization active not only by your valuable contribution but your continued support for our community. An organization that's relevant and valued by their members shares three common characters: tough-minded optimism, staying power and belief in a mission above all.

Our Alliance goals of yesterday remain valid today which are to support physicians and encourage fellowship among our members as well as to support each other in times of joy and adversity and reach out to potential members by offering programs and volunteer opportunities to all members.

Through our support of the N.C. Association of Free and Charitable Clinics and encouraging our members to participate in the local NCAFCC projects, we will continue our efforts to improve access to health care especially in rural areas of North Carolina.

This year exciting and informative programs will be offered to members via Zoom.

Watch your emails and our website for more information. Keep up with other members through Facebook: to join our private Facebook group so we can communicate easily.

I look forward to connecting with you. Please renew or join with your new membership.

With Regards, 

Meeti Nigam, President 2022-23

County Economic Snapshots

Click here to look at economic snapshots from the NC Justice Center for North Carolina as a whole or scroll down the page to select individual counties to download a PDF to see how each is doing with health services, making sure everyone can make ends meet and how well each is removing structural barriers to equity.

Our 2023-24 Board

Meeti Nigam, President

Barbara Lupton, Treasurer

Susan Edens Hammer, Secretary

Zohra Osman, VP of Membership Development

Kirby Sheridan, VP of Program Development

Cathy Ingram, Director

Sandra Pagano, Director

Swati Patel, Director

Copyright © North Carolina Medical Society Alliance

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3739 National Drive, Ste. 202

Raleigh, NC 27612

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